Eric Sapirstein
Founder & President
After leadership positions at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Washington-based consulting firms, Eric Sapirstein founded ENS Resources, Inc., in 1986. For more than 20 years, his firm has focused on legislative and regulatory affairs consulting for local and regional governments as well as national organizations that serve the public’s interests.
Throughout his career, Mr. Sapirstein has been a recognized leader in environmental protection and innovative energy policy issues. Prior to establishing ENS, Mr. Sapirstein was a Policy and Governmental Affairs Analyst with JSCF, Inc. He focused on regulatory and legislative initiatives related to Appropriations, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Clean Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and forestry management.
Mr. Sapirstein also served as an Associate with LRMC, Ltd., an association management consulting firm. He was the lead official overseeing the legislative and regulatory interests of environmental association clients as well as individual private clients. Mr. Sapirstein worked closely with Congressional committee members and staff, including committees on Appropriations, Budget, Environment and Public Works, Finance, Transportation, Energy and Commerce, and Ways and Means.
Before working on behalf of clients, Mr. Sapirstein represented the EPA before Congress. He advised senior Agency officials on strategies regarding waste management, radioactive materials, and clean water policy issues, and he represented the Agency with members of Congress, Congressional staff, and federal and state agencies. Mr. Sapirstein received two Special Achievement Awards, recognizing superior work that helped ensure passage of the Superfund Act during the 96th Congress.
Mr. Sapirstein earned a Master’s of Public Administration (MPA), with a concentration in public finance, budgeting, and urban administration, from The George Washington University. He was nominated and selected to compete as a Presidential Management Intern. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Boston University.