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Roger Cockrell 

Senior Vice President 


Roger Cockrell serves as a senior advisor to ENS.  He joined ENS after retiring from the United States Senate where he completed thirty-five years of federal service. 


In February 2000, Mr. Roger Cockrell was selected to serve as a detailee to the Democratic staff of the Senate Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee as the subject matter expert for water resource issues.  He served the Committee as a detailee for more than two years.  In June 2003, Mr. Cockrell was hired by the Senate Appropriations Committee to retain his expertise on water resource issues.  In his new position, he served as the principal point of contact for all water issues related to the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation for the Appropriations Committee.  In early 2005, the Republican majority in the Senate selected Mr. Cockrell to serve as their expert on water resource issues.  When the majority control of the Senate changed again to the Democrats in 2007, he was retained as majority staff.


Prior to serving as the lead Senate staffer for water resources on the Committee on Appropriations, Mr. Cockrell served for 23 years as a civil engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  He holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Mississippi State University.  He was awarded the Silver Order of the de Fleury Medal from the Army Engineer Association for his outstanding professional service to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  

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